Bobby Porcelli

Flautist, Alto saxophonist

All of a sudden people are saying, “Maybe we ought to give him some tributes right now, just for persevering all of these years.” When I went to Taiwan a couple of years ago, people just loved my band, which was very gratifying. The Blue Note in Taipei, which is the biggest city in Taiwan, was completely sold out, with a standing room only. People were screaming and clapping and coming up to take photos with me. The same thing happened when we went to Venezuela a couple of years ago. Even at the Blue Note on Sunday nights, people will come up to me after the set and say, “Can I take a picture with you?” I guess either they feel that I’m some kind of legendary guy or they’ve been hearing that I am. It’s really nice, it makes me feel good, you know? That I have accomplished something.